Lilypie Kids birthday Ticker

Thursday, March 8, 2007

38 Women Day 妇女节快乐

when i read the sin chew daily today, saw a title: “每4窮人3個是女性”(every 3 out of 4 poor person are women)
, so suprise with this rating!!! can't believe with so many women now already working and get involved in business, the rating is like that high. actually when i look around me, women from my upper generation(around my mom's age) mostly are housewife, they have no income, unless got allowance from the husband, if not,they are really POOR...

are you this?

or this?

(do u know she is the richest women??)

anyhow,even like new world as today,still lots of housemaker(better name for housewife)earn no money, their source of income are from the husband. could we set a law to let all men pay the "wife" salaries and allowance. since we all "work" very hard for our family?? most guys out there will not agree with me.

今天同事问我一些她女儿的功课:基本笔画及配词(不是选择题)。哇!动脑筋时间。才小学一年级哦,对小朋友来讲的确实有点难度。各位,您知道什么是:卧钩,斜钩,横折钩,竖折吗?当时我是想了好一会儿,才写下了答案。可能是时间过了这么久,真的是连基本的也忘了。我的同事更惨,因为她不是读华语书的,所以女儿的功课都很难帮忙温习,我看只有去补习华语,不然的话,买本电脑字典咯。。。what to do?


1 comment:

Manda said...

yep.. woman 唔易做...
somtimes find out i cant understand Aziq's homework... no idea how to teach him...and his skool bag is getting heavier everday... so charm